Three Tips For Getting Used To Your New CPAP Machine


Getting a CPAP machine can significantly improve your sleep quality if you've been struggling at night due to a condition such as sleep apnea. When you get your machine, the medical professional who is assisting you will help you to adjust the face mask so that it fits properly. They will also answer any questions that you may have about using the machine. Even if you're excited to begin using your CPAP machine, there's little doubt that it can require something of an adjustment period — after all, the feeling of something on your face at night can seem a little strange. Here are some tips to help you get used to this machine.

Try It When You're Relaxing

Instead of using your CPAP machine overnight as soon as you get it, one option is to use it for short periods of time during the daytime until you're a little more used to how it feels. Doing so during periods of relaxation is a good option. If you're going to watch a movie or a sporting event on TV, consider getting comfortable on the couch and putting your CPAP face mask on. Because you'll be focused on the TV screen, you may find that you're less aware of the mask. Repeat this process a few times, as necessary, to prepare you for wearing it at night.

Don't Go To Bed Until You're Tired

When you get into bed without feeling tired, it can be easy to lie awake for an extended period of time. If you're using your new CPAP machine while you lie there, it's almost certain that you'll focus on the feel of the mask. A good way to get used to using this device is to only go to bed when you're tired. If you're the type of person who is usually able to drift off to sleep quickly when you're tired, you may find that you do so even with the mask on.

Breathe Deeply

It's a good idea to remember to breathe deeply when you start wearing your CPAP mask. When people are anxious, they can sometimes breathe in a shallow manner. Breathing deeply not only allows you to take more oxygen into your system, but it can also help you to feel relaxed — something that is important when you're getting used to this change in your life. You may find that after just a few minutes of deep breathing, you're more relaxed and perhaps even more sleepy. Learn more about CPAP machines by contacting a company like Advanced Home Care Sleep Apnea Services.


1 July 2021

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A need for medical equipment comes with a plethora of decisions. Where do you get the supplies? Can you buy the equipment you need cheaper if you buy it in bulk? Will your medical insurance cover the cost 100 percent or will you have to pay some out of pocket expenses? Having gone through this for the past eight years, I have learned a lot about how to get the best possible price on quality equipment for caring for my husband. This blog will show you how to go about buying what you need at the least expense to you and your family.